RAG held their twelfth
Annual General Meeting on Thursday 21st March at Rhyd-y-Penau
Primary School. The meeting was opened
by Andrew Hill, who reported that we were still awaiting the decision of the
Welsh Government Ministers on the re-opened planning inquiry, which was held in
the summer of 2011. An outcome had been
expected sometime last summer, but there was still no resolution.
At this meeting Andrew
Hill stood down as Chairman, as he and his partner, Mary Corin, have now moved
to Cornwall. Mary also stood down as RAG
Secretary. A new set of officers and
Committee members were elected by the meeting, and the new RAG team
Chairman – Richard
Committee members:
Vice-Chairman – Ceri
Mike Dean
Secretary – Phil
Treasurer - Bernard Adshead |
Anne Gee
Graham Good |
Press Officer – Chris
Dulcie Wilks
Liaison Officer – Mike
Martyn Wyatt
Photo by Richard Bosworth |
In taking over as Chair,
Richard thanked Andrew and Mary for all their hard work over the last four
years, and presented Andrew with a plate (see left) and jug to commemorate their time in
office. An official vote of thanks was recorded, to the general acclaim of the meeting.
Questions at the end of
the meeting, reflected the frustration of several members that there had still
been no decision made by the Welsh Government on the 2011 planning
inquiry. Several people asked whether we
could be doing more to put pressure on the Minister. The Committee agreed that the delay was
regrettable, but did not think that RAG as an organisation should try and force
the issue. Of course, it is open to
members to contact the Welsh Government, in a personal capacity, to inquire
about the delay, and it was noted that the Minister with responsibility for
Planning has recently changed. It is now
Carl Sargeant AM , who can be contacted at correspondence.carl.sargeant@wales.gsi.gov.uk