Monday, 5 November 2012

Update October 2012

Dear RAG Supporter,

I expect you have been wondering what is happening about the reservoirs.  So are we!!  We are still awaiting the decision by the Welsh Government Ministers about the Public Inquiry which was held last summer.  As you may remember from our previous newsletters, the planning inspector who presided over the inquiry, Mr. Richard Poppleton, reported to the Minister for Environment and Sustainable Development, John Griffiths AM, last April.  We fully expected a decision sometime over the summer but nothing has materialised.  We do not know why there has been such a long delay, nor do our elected representatives in the Assembly and Cardiff Council.  However, quite properly, our AMs and Councillors have not been pressurising the Welsh Government, and are patiently awaiting the outcome like the rest of us.  We can only assume that the Welsh Government is considering the appeal by Western Power Distribution, regarding their proposed housing development at the reservoir, very carefully, and is taking its time to ensure that its decision is legally water-tight.  Needless to say, as soon as a decision is announced we will try and get the details out to our membership.  In the meantime, the RAG Committee is making plans for the future of the reservoir, in the hope that the appeal is rejected and development at the site is finally ruled out.


Another recent announcement which will be of interest to RAG members, is that Cardiff Council have just announced their Preferred Strategy for Consultation regarding the Local Development Plan 2006-2026.   Although this includes plans for more than 45,000 new homes around Cardiff, it reiterates the importance of protecting the natural environment and particularly the river valleys, of which Llanishen Reservoir forms a part.  It was agreed by the full Council on 25th October, and there will now be a six week consultation period.  Please click on this link to find details of Public Meetings and Public Drop-in meetings about the new LDP which will take place in early November.  Julie Morgan, AM for Cardiff North, is also holding a meeting this coming Friday, 2nd November, in Llanishen Leisure Centre at 7.30 pm.  This is promoting a campaign to establish a Cardiff Green Belt in addition to the long-standing protection of the four strategic river valleys.  Any interested residents are welcome to attend.

Yours sincerely

Andrew Hill

Chairman, RAG


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